List for Baby

Sunday, May 26, 2013

#31 Weeks!!!

How far along: 31 weeks. 
Total weight gain: My last midwife appointment showed I up't 3lbs. So the weight gain is slowing down.. thank goodness. :) Total, I've gained almost 30lbs. Yikes. But we are both healthy and I feel great..most of the time. 
Maternity clothes: Yes.. or loose blouses. Like the shirt in the photo isn't a maternity tank. It's just a flowy type top.
Stretch marks: A little on the sides but they are not really noticeable and honestly? I don't care much. They show I've carried a child. They are white not the purple ones so I'm fine with it!
Sleep: Usually? No. But last night.. I slept SO well. It was amazing. I didn't get out of bed  till 4pm....Best sleep I've had since pre-prego. 
Best moment of this week: This past week has been all about relaxing. We didn't do too much. We built a new cage for my female guinea pigs: 
I have three girls in this cage. It's an actual house door that was converted into a table. And this weekend, Jared added on the sides to keep any poo's and shavings from falling onto the floor. It was painted and put back into the room.. and Done! I have 4 other guinea pigs that are males in other cages that we will be revamping in the next few weeks. We are doing all this before the baby comes to make cleaning easier and faster for myself once little E.J. comes. And absolutely not, I do not breed. These are all rescues living the rest of their lives in comfort indoors. :)

Miss anything: Not aching. I get such bad leg and butt spasms and swollen feet.
Movement: Every 5 minutes it seems. It's really noticeable. And amazing and I really love watching every single time he slithers around. I'm going to miss the feeling once he's out. 
Food cravings: CHOCOLATE. And steak. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. 
Have you started to show yet: Duh
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: Nope!
Belly button in or out: 50/50
Wedding rings on or off: Off. I haven't worn one in weeks. Fingers are fat. lol. 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and excited and wanting him here already. 
Looking forward to: Just buying all the rest of the stuff we need since no one has really helped us. We still need some stuff but if he was to come now, we'd be fine. (Hopefully he makes it to full term though!) 

31 weeks pregnant

"Welcome to week 31. Can you believe all five of baby’s senses are fully developed? He also keeps getting smarter. That’s probably good to know, since you might actually feel a little dumb. You’re not! It’s just that many moms-to-be find themselves acting absentmindedly during the third trimester. Some say that “pregnancy brain” isn’t a proven physical ailment, but can you think of another time in your life when you’ve had more on your mind than now? We’re guessing no. That right there is enough of a reason to be so forgetful. From 31 weeks on, you’re bound to feel a lot of the same symptoms -- some may get worse, some may become bearable. And you might start to have more trouble getting around as you get heavier and feel more and more short of breath. Remember not to push yourself too much. It’s good for you and baby to get some exercise, but definitely take breaks to rest as much as you need." -
Your baby's the size of a pineapple!
He's about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds this month. He's getting so big, he's probably crowding your lungs.

your baby at 31 weeks
  • He's going through major brain and nerve development.
  • Eye development, too. His irises now react to light!
  • All five of his senses are in working order.

 pregnancy symptoms at 31 weeks 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Rough Draft of my Birth Plan

The Birth Plan of
!@#$%^&* Prenovost-Larragoitiy
Mother: Carly Larragoitiy                                               Due Date: July 29th 2013
Father: Jared Prenovost                                      
Location: Lisa Ross Womens Birthing Center

Labor induction/augmentation

·        I'd prefer to NOT be medically induced if I go past my due date.
·        I'd prefer to have options of natural induction such as: Breast Stimulation, Walking, Sexual Intercourse, and/or Herbs
·        I would like to discuss laboring at home as long as possible


·        I would like my husband Jared Prenovost and my sister Kayla Larragoitiy present during all stages of labor AND the birth of my son.
·        I'd prefer dim lighting or natural lighting only if it's daylight.
·        I would like to wear my own clothes as long as possible.
·        I'd like the option to walking around and change positions as I please. Mobility is important to me.
·        I'd like my sister and/or Husband to take photos and video as they wish.

I would like the following offered to me as options:
·        Birthing Bed
·        Birthing Ball
·        Birthing Pool
·        Shower


·        I would prefer NOT to be given an enema
·        I would prefer to eat and drink during labor
·        I would prefer NO IV's unless absolutely necessary.


·        I would prefer limited monitoring if possible
·        I would like external monitoring if needed

Pain Management

·        I do NOT want to be offered any pain medications
·        I'd like the options of natural pain management
·        I'd like to try breathing techniques, massage, distraction techniques, and water(pool, shower)
·        I'd like to walk as much as possible

First Stage of Labor:
·        I do NOT want to be separated from my partner during labor or birth
·        I would like the option of returning home if my labor is NOT progressing
·        I'd prefer vaginal exams be kept to a minimum
·        I would like encouragement throughout my labor

·        I'd prefer NOT to have an episiotomy
·        To prevent tearing, I'd like to try hot compresses, perineal massages, and encourage me to breath properly to slow down crowning.

Second Stage of Labor:
·        I'd like to touch my baby's head when he crowns
·        I'd like to be free with positions that I find most comfortable
·        I'd like no time limit on pushing
·        I'd like coaching by one midwife

After Birth
·        I'd like to catch my son and bring him up to my chest immediately
·        I'd like to delay cutting the cord till it stop pulsing completely
·        I'd like to give my Husband the option to cut the cord
·        I'd like to delay all newborn assessment testing as long as possible
·        I'd like ALL baby's assessment's done in my presence.
·        Please do not administer eye drops to my baby, I am willing to sign a formal waiver if need be.
·        Please do not administer vitamin K to my baby, I am willing to sign a formal waiver if need be.
·        I prefer any immunizations be postponed to a later time
·        I'd like to birth my placenta naturally and have it placed into a fridge. I have plans for my placenta to be picked up and encapsulated.
·        Under NO circumstance will anyone be allowed to retract my sons foreskin. I will take care of all diaper changes
·        As long as baby and I are healthy, I want my son in the room with me at all times.
·        I'd like to be confident in breastfeeding and our latch before being discharged
·        I'd like to be discharged as soon as possible

·        I would prefer to breastfeed
·        I do NOT want my baby to have a pacifier
·        I do NOT want my baby given formula or sugar water
·        I do NOT want my baby given a bottle

·        I do NOT want my son to be circumcised
·        Do NOT retract my sons foreskin for ANY reason.
·        All diaper changes and exams will be done in the presence of myself or my husband

I'd like thank every staff member for all the help and patience everyone had with my craziness  Thank you for the encouragement and bring my son earthbound healthy and happy. 


Did I leave anything out that's important? I plan on writing another "Plan B" birth plan in case I must be transferred to a hospital as well. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

30 Weeks! OMG!

How far along: 30 weeks! Where did the time go?
Total weight gain: Not sure currently, I update everytime I have a midwife appointment
Maternity clothes: All the time. 
Stretch marks: A little on the sides but they are not really noticeable and honestly? I don't care much. They show I've carried a child. 
Sleep: NO. I'm always thirsty so I'm up refill my big jug of water which makes me get up more times to pee. My hips hurt so either side I can't get comfortable. I can't sleep on my back or stomach obviously...Nightmares, Trouble breathing... Ya know...Not gonna lie... It sucks. 
Best moment of this week: Baby shopping. We got a few more things we needed off the registry since not a single person has helped us..Jared has been amazing with it all. 
Miss anything: having feet and not sausages as feet. I miss ankles and feet not hurting. 
Movement: SO much movement.  And it's amazing. I can feel body parts now. In fact, he's moving right now. 
Food cravings: chocolate muffins and peaches. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: lukewarm water makes me gag and salt.
Have you started to show yet: Duh
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: Nope!
Belly button in or out: 50/50
Wedding rings on or off: Off. Fingers are just swollen. And now my feet are too. 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and excited!
Looking forward to: Seeing this beautiful boy's face!!! <3 I also have a breastfeeding class in three days i'll be attending to. 

30 weeks pregnant

"At 30 weeks, your belly’s doing more than just making it tough to find a comfortable sleeping position. It’s made itself a conversation piece. Everywhere you go, someone seems to have a comment about your physical appearance, which isn’t always so fun. And no doubt, you’ve encountered quite a few people who don’t think before they speak and say something embarrassing or hurtful (what’s up with that?) Try not to take those comments seriously, but know which ones should be taken to heart. Like when they tell you you’re glowing, believe them! And take advantage of some of the perks (when someone offers you their seat on the train -- take it!) At week 30, your dreams might be getting even weirder -- if you’re actually sleeping, that is. That could be a result of anxiety, so consider doing some prep work to help you rest easier. One idea? Do a test drive to see exactly how long it really takes you to get to the hospital. Then maybe you’ll stop having nightmares about giving birth in your car." - 
Your baby's the size of a cucumber!
Your 15.2- to 16.7-inch, 2.5- to 3.8-pound baby continues to grow.

your baby at 30 weeks
  • His skin is getting smoother.
  • But his brain is getting wrinklier -- to make way for all that essential brain tissue.
  • He's now strong enough to grasp a finger!

Baby E will be here before we know it!!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

My Mothers Day 2013

The moment Jared and I conceived, we became parents. A Mom and a Dad. This Mothers Day was a simple and fun day. I turned 29 weeks pregnant and decided to get Jared to snap a few photos to capture the day. A year from now, I'll have my little man in my arm's. But for today, he'll safe in my belly dancing and bouncing around. My days are filled with moments of my hands glued to my bare stomach and feeling his every move. As the days pass, he gets stronger and stronger. Fills my heart to know that he'll be earth bound very very soon. I am a Mother to be. And it feels great to call myself that. <3