List for Baby

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week #17

How far along? 17 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: Up 9lbs total since my last midwife appointment. I'm not worried about it. 

 Maternity clothes? Completely. I can still wear most shirt though if they are long enough to cover my stomach

Stretch marks? No new ones

Best moment this week:  Now knowing the gender, it's fun to decorate and spend that money on our son! haha

Miss anything: Being in control of my body. I've been in a lot of pain lately. 

Movement: Oh yes. I feel total slithering and poking. I love it!

Food cravings: Cravings have really slowed down.

Anything making you queasy or sick: I still gag over absolutely nothing.

Have you started to show yet: YES.  

Gender: BOY! Boy! BOYY!

Labor Signs: No, no, no!  

Belly Button in or out? In but my belly feels so tight. I took out my belly ring. 

Wedding rings on or off? On! 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody. I've been having really bad sciatic nerve pain and round ligament pain REALLY FUCKING BAD. My belly is super tight feeling and quite painful which frustrates  me because I cannot do a lot on my own and Jared is well, Jared. Doesn't do much. lol

Looking forward toPainting the nursery soon! Well, we need to take off that awful brick wallpaper first....

"Try not to get freaked out by the numbers on your scale. At 17 weeks, baby’s working on getting stronger, and your body’s working on getting bigger. That means putting on some pounds and -- we hate to break it to you -- getting some stretch marks. Make sure you document your growing bump by taking lots of photos. Sure, you might not always feel so pretty, but one day you’re going to look back at pregnancy and reminisce (really -- we promise). You’ll also want to start figuring out some plans, like whether or not you’re going to find out baby’s gender (you should be able to soon!), and what kind of childbirth class you’d like to take. As you start making these decisions, the pregnancy will feel even more real, which is probably super exciting, but part of you is probably feeling a little nervous. After all, you’re at week 17; that’s almost halfway there and there’s still a lot left to do. Chill! You’ll get it done. Just remember not to try to do it all yourself -- ask for help!" -
                                   your baby's the size of an onion!
Baby continues to beef up. Now she's about 5.1 inches long and weighs about 5.9 ounces.

                                                             your baby at 17 weeks
  • Her rubbery cartilage is now turning to bone.
  • And she's growing some meat on those bones -- putting on some fat.
  • She's growing a stronger, thicker umbilical cord, too.

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