Jared and I just got done re-doing our bedroom and doing some serious winter cleaning. So, I look a bit drab. lol
How far along? 10 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 2 pounds
Maternity clothes? I need to. Just pants. I can live with one pair of maternity jeans for now. I have a $5 off coupon for maternity jeans from Target. I need to go before it expires!
Stretch marks? Nope.
Best moment this week: My midwife appointment. It couldn't have gone better. Everyone was amazing and really personable and sweet.
Miss anything: Sleeping comfortable.
Movement: Nope
Food cravings: fruit! anything fruity and sour.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of Jared's chew. I still never have been sick. Nausea is only in the mornings really when I need to eat asap. I get acid reflux at night really bad though and I cant sleep because of it.
Have you started to show yet: I think so! My jeans don't fit and my stomach looks a lot bigger compared to week 4/5 when I was normal...I look pregnant naked.. but if I have clothes on, I look like the average chubbers.
Gender: No idea. I can't wait to find out though.
Labor Signs: No, no, no!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. Excited to be shopping for stuff! We got a few cloth diapers and swaddles.
Looking forward to: My next ultrasound that is on the 7th of January. And then I have my next appointment with my midwife on the 27th! I'm excited for that. And I think Jared and I will start buying some bigger items for the baby.
your baby's the size of a prune!
"Now, she's about 1.2 inches long and weighs about .14 ounces. Her body length will almost double in the next three weeks."
"Now that you've reached 10 weeks, you can stop wondering when you’ll start to actually look pregnant. It’s probably right around now, as your baby continues her rapid growth and your tummy starts to develop some extra curve . In the process, your ligaments and muscles are starting to stretch, so don’t be surprised if you start feeling some aches and pains. While, some moms-to-be don’t really get them, others find these sensations -- called “round ligament pain” -- well, downright painful. Your breasts have probably gotten bigger too, since they’ve been prepping for breastfeeding for weeks already! That’s why week 10 is probably a good time to stock up on some new, looser clothes -- and maybe your first round of maternity wear. Don’t go too crazy though. As your body continues to change, you’ll likely want to get some more essentials along the way."
your baby at 10 weeks
- Baby has working arm joints, and her cartilage and bones are forming.
- Her vital organs are fully developed and they're starting to function.
- Her fingernails and hair are starting to appear, too.
- Plus, she's swallowing and kicking in there. (Can you believe it?!)
My kitty!!
Anyway, as for symptoms - I cannot stop burping. It's a little funny but some of them burn. I cannot sleep because of it and my body aches at night. I think Jared is going to buy me a pregnancy pillow. And my pants officially do not fit. Jared took me out to lunch today and I had to go in yoga pants, Ugg boots, and a sweatshirt. lol. I feel changes in my stomach area. And I no longer am able to sleep through a night without needing to pee. It's constant. My face is broken out super bad and my chest broke out in a rash...BUT I actually feel okay other than at night.
3 more weeks till I'm done with the first trimester!! Where did the time go!???