I had my big appointment.
I found an amazing OB with even more amazing midwives. They pride themselves in their VBAC success rates and truly listen to a mothers desires and wishes. They listened to Everetts whole story and really felt compassion and understanding that I do NOT want this to happen again. I was assured that it is really rare for aspiration meconium syndrome to get to the point that it did.
I'm a great candidate for a VBAC. They have a few requirements. One would be continuous fetal monitoring, but that it would NOT bound me to the bed. And two, a port for an I.V. should they need it. They also need records of me last C-Section to make sure that everything was routine and nothing went wrong in regards to the incision.
So, one... I CAN continue having babies. Thank you jesus. (This midwife I talked to found it ridiculous that another midwife told me depending on my scar would depend on any future pregnancies)
And I CAN birth a child the way my body was intended for. Out.Of.My.Vagina. I deserve that experience. And I don't deserve waiting two weeks to hold my child again.
Okay, so here's the issue.
We have some awesome opportunities that I don't want to quite say what it is yet but it does give a sort of ultimatum...
It means that either Jared and I get pregnant like now or within the few months and have a VBAC with a place we feel really comfortable with.
wait a few years(insert crying face here) with the possibility of no VBAC.
Everett is on his way to a full recovery but he still does have his GTube and constant therapy. I originally wanted to have his tube out before conception of number 2.His therapy will most likely end in the Summer due to the fact that they don't feel he really needs them anymore, which is actually awesome!.
So decisions. Having a Vbac is really important to me. I for one do not want another surgery that is considered a major surgery. I struggled with recovery. And it has many risks cutting open the same wound. I would like that birth experience of pushing my child out, catching my baby, and seeing my child seconds after birth. I want to breastfeed, I want skin to skin, and I want what any mother wants. A healthy delivery ending with a healthy baby.
Do we have another now? Now THAT is a big question isn't it?