List for Baby

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Week 40!!!! Yay!!!

How far along: 40 weeks with no signs of anything changing!!
Total weight gain: Total is 33lbs up from pre-pregnant weight.
Maternity clothes: Of course! Or size L/XL shirts. lol.
Stretch marks: ..Yes. None that are bad though. I have a feeling they will fade in time. 
Sleep: Oh you know... for like 30 minutes here and there....I pee all the time at night but I'm thirsty even more.. so that's what i do at night. 
Best moment of this week: Shampooed the  carpets! We did all the bedroom's. I know baby isn't born crawling everywhere but hey, clean carpets make a happy nesting momma. Everything is clean and ready to go!  
Miss anything: My old body!!  Look where it all started: 

Movement: He's still very active. Always moving. Always having hiccups. 
Food cravings: ICEES. anything COLD. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: lukewarm water. I need it ice cold. 
Have you started to show yet: Ya think?
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: Nope. Baby is content for now! He loves where he is for now!
Belly button in or out: It's leveled with the rest of my stomach. lol
Wedding rings on or off: I haven't worn any rings in a long time. I'm dealing with swelling since Summer hit. And my feet are something the midwives are watching since they are bad! lol
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! I want him here! 
Looking forward to: Starting the labor process and experiencing everything. My body is made for this. I know I can do this! As long as I don't go past 42 weeks.. to then I'd have to get medically induced. 

40 weeks pregnant

"Happy due date -- you made it! Since 40 weeks was the deadline you set for baby, you’ve probably already made sure the bassinet is made up, the car seat is installed and your hospital bag is by the door. Now, do some little things you might have forgotten, like making sure your cell phone is fully charged before you go to bed and the car is filled with gas. Some moms-to-be also choose to put a waterproof mattress cover on their bed, just in case their water breaks in the middle of the night. It’s not a must-do, but it’s not a bad idea either, especially because once baby comes, there might be other messes on or around your bed. Week 40 can be mentally rough, since you’ll probably be constantly wondering when baby will decide to finally make his entrance and question every twinge you have. Try not to stress, and rest assured that baby will arrive when he’s ready -- and your body will give you the right signals that it’s time." -
Your baby's the size of a jackfruit!
In month nine, the average fetus is about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds and measures about 18.9 to 20.19 inches (wow!). But you really won't know exactly how big your baby is until his birth.

your baby at 40 weeks
  • He's continuing to grow hair and nails.
  • And he's keeping up that lung development, too.

 pregnancy symptoms at 40 weeks 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

#Week 39!!!!

How far along: 39 weeks! I'm still pregnant! Woot!! :) 
Total weight gain: Total is 33lbs up from pre-pregnant weight.
Maternity clothes: Of course! Or size L/XL shirts. lol.
Stretch marks: ..Yes. I got a few the last two weeks. 
Sleep: SO uncomfortable! I cannot get into a good position or stay asleep. It's the worse.
Best moment of this week: Just getting the house ready and cleaning alot. 
Miss anything: Just being as active as I used to be. And having more energy. 
Movement: He's still very active. Always moving. Always having hiccups. 
Food cravings: ICEES.
Anything making you queasy or sick: lukewarm water. I need it ice cold. 
Have you started to show yet: Ya think?
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: "Lightning crotch" . Google it. and Braxton hicks that have being a bit more intense and frequent.
Belly button in or out: It's leveled with the rest of my stomach. lol
Wedding rings on or off: I haven't worn any rings in a long time. I'm dealing with swelling since Summer hit. 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! I want him here! 
Looking forward to: Getting to experience the natural water birth that I've planned since before conception and delivering my own child. (Under the watch of my Midwife of course)

39 weeks pregnant

"Are we there yet? You’re probably feeling like you want to get this baby the heck out of you. We’re not sure, but the impatience and discomfort many moms feel around 39 weeks (and beyond!) might be nature’s way of getting you mentally prepared for delivery. Remember how freaked out you used to be about it? Now, at week 39 you probably don’t care what you have to do, you just don’t want to be pregnant anymore!"
Your baby's the size of a watermelon!
Baby keeps growing, despite being so crowded in there. He probably weighs around 6.2 to 9.2 pounds and measures about 18.9 to 20.9 inches.

your baby at 39 weeks
  • He's probably able to flex his limbs now.
  • His brain is still rapidly developing -- he's getting smarter by the week!
  • His nails may extend past his fingertips.

 pregnancy symptoms at 39 weeks 
  • False labor. Usually these pains start in the front of your body and ease up when you switch positions. You'll know it's real labor when they start at the top of your uterus and become more frequent.
  • Water breaking. Call your doctor if you suspect yours has broken, or if you think you could be leaking amniotic fluid.
  • More heartburnhemorrhoidspelvic pressure and trouble catching your breath.
  • The urge to nest. Don't stress though -- you'll never get everything done.

Here's some photos my sister took of me last week:

Monday, July 15, 2013

#38 Weeks! Almost There!!!

How far along: 38 weeks! He could decide to greet us at any time! This is insane.  
Total weight gain: I gained 4lbs since last week.. midwives think is water retention because I'm swelling really bad. I'd take a photo of my feet, but you'll most likely pass out from laughing. (I was tested for preeclampsia, which was negative) 
Maternity clothes: I just bought a few Large sized long tanks from Old Navy so that's what I've been wearing... like this photo. :)
Stretch marks: Very faint ones near my stomach... very low... I was almost in the home run . but got some at the last minutes. hehehe 
Sleep: Egh. I wake up every hour or so.. to pee.. and just because I'm uncomfortable  I can breathe better though since baby lowered. 
Best moment of this week: Baby shopping. What else? And spending time with my sister! Who's a little turd and wouldn't pose for a photo. hehe. <3

Miss anything: I've been doing really good. of course having such swollen feet is really painful and it sucks I cannot do things I really want to do. It's hard to entertain a 15 year old teenager when I can barely walk. And of course, peeing is always happening. So.. I miss being more active and having cute 7 1/2 size feet... instead of size 9 monster feet!
Movement: He's still a very active boy. Moving from one side to the other. He loves to move his hands near my hips. The midwife today said she can very easily feel his head and he's ready to go!! 
Food cravings: I don't get cravings anymore really. But because of the heat/humidity, I do love getting ICEES whenever we are near a gas station. I still love my fruit and smoothies. I'm starting to think my breastmilk will come out fruit flavors. lol. (kidding)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! 
Have you started to show yet: Very much so. 
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: "Lightning crotch" . Google it. 
Belly button in or out: Depends on the baby's position. Sometimes it's flat with my tummy, other times it's half in. 
Wedding rings on or off: I haven't worn any rings in a long time. I'm dealing with swelling since Summer hit. 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! I want him here! 
Looking forward to: Seeing that precious face and seeing if he has hair! 

38 weeks pregnant

"Yow! If you feel a sort of lightening bolt running up and down your legs (and in your crotch), don’t freak out. At 38 weeks, baby’s probably sitting pretty low in your pelvis, which means he’s bumping into all kinds of nerves down there -- including some pretty sensitive ones you might not know you had. Be on the lookout for signs of labor, including contractions that come on stronger, at more regular intervals, and the “bloody show.” It could happen any day now -- or it might not be for a few weeks. Until then, try to relax." -
Your baby's the size of a pumpkin!
Baby is about 18.9 to 20.9 inches long and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds. Her head is now about the same circumference as her abdomen.

your baby at 38 weeks
  • She may have about an inch or so of hair already.
  • She's slowly shedding that white goo on her skin (called vernix caseosa) but you might see some of it at birth.

 pregnancy symptoms at 38 weeks 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

#37 Weeks!! Full Term!!

How far along: 37 weeks! I'm medically considered full term!!! 
Total weight gain: I'm still up a total of 29lbs. My weight gain has slowed/stopped a few weeks ago which is normal according to my midwife at this point. 
Maternity clothes: of course! but i still wear bigger flowy non maternity shirts as well. 
Stretch marks: I found new ones! Very faint but right in the lower center of my stomach. 3 total. 
Sleep: Not really. I have trouble breathing and I've been snoring the last few weeks which I wake myself over... so as soon as I fall asleep.. i snore.. and disturb myself... and wake up. and it happens like a hundred times a night. plus of course, having to pee every 30 minutes. 
Best moment of this week: Picked up my sister from the airport and she's here to stay for a while in TN.
Miss anything: I  love being outdoors. And we attempted to go somewhere called the Clingmans Dome today... and I was only able to walk about 3 minutes before having to sit down. I'm hoping when baby E is a bit older, I can put him in a proper carrier and going on hikes/walks! 
Movement: It's more than ever. It's constant. He contorts my stomach to insane shapes. he loves to stretch those legs into my ribs and roll that wobbly head on my cervix which shoots an intense pain into my crotch. He's so big and it's crazy to think that all he use to be was butterfly like feelings just a few months ago. 
Food cravings: I don't get cravings anymore really. But because of the heat/humidity, I do love getting ICEES whenever we are near a gas station. I still love my fruit and smoothies. I'm starting to think my breastmilk will come out fruit flavors. lol. (kidding)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! 
Have you started to show yet: Very much so. 
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: Oh yes. I am having some pretty uncomfortable contractions that make my whole stomach clench tight as a rock. It only happens when I'm pushing myself too hard with walking or cleaning. Nothing consistent though so they are just braxton hicks! 
Belly button in or out: Depends on the baby's position. Sometimes it's flat with my tummy, other times it's half in. 
Wedding rings on or off: I haven't worn any rings in a long time. I'm dealing with swelling since Summer hit. 
Happy or moody most of the time: Anxious. I'm tired of people telling me to relax and enjoy this time. No, I'd like to meet my son and start the journey of his life. Jared and I conceived on purpose.. If we wanted to relax, we wouldn't have gotten pregnant. I want my baby now! <3 
Looking forward to: Spending the next month and a half with my sister and seeing when baby E decides to come! I want to see what birthday he chooses!! <3 

37 weeks pregnant

"Get excited. At 37 weeks, your baby has reached full term. That means he’s developed his most crucial functions. Of course, he’ll get even healthier and stronger over the next few weeks, so don’t get too impatient. Around week 37, many moms-to-be find themselves organizing cupboards and scrubbing their floors. That’s the nesting instinct kicking in as your body senses baby will be here shortly. It also might be your brain’s way of making sure you’re prepared for just about anything, so you can feel like you have an extra edge on this whole new parent thing." -
Your baby's the size of a winter melon!
Yay! Baby has reached full term. He likely measures around 18.9 to 20.9 inches and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds. He's gaining about 1/2 ounce each day.

your baby at 37 weeks
  • He's practicing some skills: inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking.
  • He's getting his first sticky poop (called meconium) ready for his first diaper.

 pregnancy symptoms at 37 weeks 
Here's some photo's of today's adventure of reaching the highest point in Tennessee, Clingmans Dome.